2019 Officers, Awards

Announcements / Sunday, January 6th, 2019

New officers for the George Mason Chapter were inducted at the December 2018 meeting, and include:

  • President – Ken Morris
  • Vice President – Robert Shumaker
  • Secretary – Pete Davenport
  • Treasurer – Ralph Lewis
  • Registrar – Joe Dooley
  • Color Guard Commander – Andy Johnson
  • Webmaster – Keith Reeves
Left to right – Ralph Lewis, Treasurer; Joe Dooley, Registrar; Robert Shumaker, Vice President; Ken Morris, President; and Rev. Eugene Thomas, Chaplain. Pete Davenport, immediate past GMC President / VASSAR 1st Vice President is installing the officers, standing far right. Pete Davenport, incoming Chapter Secretary will be installed at the 23 January 2019 Chapter Meeting.
New chapter president Ken Morris receives the neck ribbon from Pete Davenport.

Also conferred were two awards: The bronze Roger Sherman Medal to Andrew Johnson, and the Chapter Distinguished Service Medal to Ken Morris.

Pete Davenport presents Andy Johnson with the bronze Roger Sherman Medal.
Pete Davenport presents Ken Morris with the Chapter Distinguished Service Medal.