June 2021 Events

Uncategorized / Friday, July 2nd, 2021

In June 2021, chapter representatives were active at the following activities (either in person or via Zoom):

  • June 5 Commemoration of the Battle of Ramsour’s Mill in North Carolina in 1780
  • June 5 Commemoration of General Wayne’s Crossing of the Potomac river near Leesburg in 1781
  • June 10 Presentation offering a Virtual Tour and Overview of the Genealogical Research Library at SAR Headquarters in Louisville, KY
  • June 12 Commemoration of the Liberty Point Resolves in North Carolina in 1775
  • June 26 Commemorations in Williamsburg of Patrick Henry’s Election as Virginia’s Governor in 1776 and the 1781 Battle of Spencer’s Ordinary.